IBM Analytics Demo Cloud : Free Hadoop, Ambari With SSH


Normally we install Apache Hadoop and other ig data tools on our servers[1]. IBM Analytics Demo Cloud is intended to learn Hadoop, Ambari, BigSQL free of cost with SSH access & web console. With various cloud offerings many things these days have a free usage tier like we shown with unrelated things – Heroku and OpenShift PaaS. Here is how to get started with non-root access to this system. In this guide, we will talk basics about SSH. There are lot of documentations but things are difficult to find (at least I felt so). Here is a PDF for you on how to open IBM Analytics Demo Cloud account and details about the web console buttons :

In short, you’ll login from and SSH details, web UI details there. You will get some informative resources here :


IBM Analytics Demo Cloud : Free Hadoop, Ambari With SSH


There is web UI for BigSheets, Text Analytics, Big SQL Console and Ambari Console from that web UI with old bootstrap design big launch buttons. At the end there will be SSH details in this way :

Your username is XYZ123. All services use your Demo Cloud password. Change the password in your profile

The server hostname is

You can use your Demo Cloud username and password to connect to the SSH command line on the cluster. Sample command:

We needed that ssh Now open Terminal (Mac, GNU/Linux, other UNIX) or iTerm2 (Mac) and SSH to the instance :

IBM Analytics Demo Cloud Free Hadoop Ambari With SSHAdvertisement


You can run :

to understand where you are and what packages are installed. If you run :

you’ll get a lot of $PATH pointing what are installed – jetty, knox, spark, bigsheets, bigsql, hadoop, hive, kafka, oozie, slider, pig, sqoop, zookeeper and so on.

You can run :

for practical interest. You can wget my IBM ASCII bash script[2] :

then chmod it, execute it :

So you can use wget, execute bash scripts. Now you can run :

you’ll get normal MySQL output. You can use a database and see the tables :

Of course if you run :

you’ll get expected output.

Apart from wget, you can use FTP CLI commands (somewhat like for shared server we shown CLI FTP commands[3]) or use FileZilla to upload and download data files.


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