there is a price, but it is not a sacrifice...
i was pretending to talk, and she was pretending to laugh :) |
Indeed there is no sacrifice...
I love my wife who happily married me knowing that I would go from a six figure income to potentially nothing as a full time student (for me, obeying God's commission meant i was to be a pastor which meant that i would have to study at bible college)... I knew she would pay a price to marry me... but i also knew it would not be a sacrifice.
but still, i can't believe she married me... with tears streaming down my face, i'm so thankful to the LORD for her... and pray that there never be a day she considers her decision to be a sacrifice she made, but rather, what she said yes to was a future were we will see more of God's immesurable love for us and enjoy his providence moment by moment, more than if we or I pursued the life of riches, comfort and leisure.
Honey, I pray that anything we forgo as we follow God's call in our life will never be a sacrifice... more than honour, may it be with great joy and huge eyes (like urs) of hope that we continue to walk in obedience to him... even in the greatest suffering this call might bring.
There is no sacrifice... some friends have looked at me in confusion or have wow'ed how i could leave a cushy job behind and resign from it and pursue the seemingly insecure life of a pastor, but those who know the love the God never once wow'ed me... they knew whatever i gave up would not come close to what i would enjoy...
I heard the best thing the other day from my wife's lips, better than the sound of the greatest song, sweetest melody or highest praise... she told about a conversation she had with a 'to be wife' of a 'to be pastor' commending to her that it is good to be a pastor's wife... omg... "it's a good thing!" This was crazy because we've been through more struggle, pain, agony, loneliness, and tears of sadness than of gladness... and for her to say, "it's a good thing"... wow... it sealed it for me... it is no sacrifice.
What we forgo as students, and i'm talking to students that i know... you will never consider it a sacrifice when you forgo the unnecessary partying, drunkenness, sexual immorality in your pursuit of holiness and a wholehearted focus towards pursuing God's vision and calling on your life... whatever you do, do it well... if you do it well you will know if God wants you to change direction because you've done your best... do it shabby and you'll never know if its your lack or study or if it's the wrong choice... be faithful with the little... it is not a race against others, but a test of obedience and faithfulness to what God has entrusted you.
Study hard and strive forward... these are intense growing days, you will fruit in proportion to the time you invest underground deeping your roots... don't be ashamed that you have not sprout or have not fruit because a tree is only as strong or healthy as its roots, what is unseen is of more importance than what is seen... i'm a little off track so i'll save this for another day...